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    Archive der Universität Konstanz
    Philosophisches Archiv
    Vor- und Nachlässe
    PAKN, OB Oskar Becker
    PAKN, RC Rudolf Carnap
    PAKN, PF Paul Feyerabend
    PAKN, GG Gerhard Gentzen
    PAKN, HJ Hans Jonas
    PAKN, WK Wilhelm Kamlah
    PAKN, VK Viktor Kraft
    PAKN, GK Georg Kreisel
    Sonderdruck- und Schriftensammlung
    Sonderdrucksammlung Schriften
    GK 8-1-51 - 1-consistency and faithful interpretations - 1962
    GK 8-1-52 - The axiom of choice and the class of hyperarithmet - 1962
    GK 8-1-53 - On weak completeness of intuitionistic predicative - 1962
    GK 8-1-54 - Abstracts of papers - 1962
    GK 8-1-55 - Foundations of intuitionistic logic - 1962
    GK 8-1-56 - Hilbert's Programme - 1964
    GK 8-1-57 - Metarecursive sets - 1965
    GK 8-1-58 - Mathematical logic - 1965
    GK 8-1-59 - Model-theoretic invariants: Apllications to recurs - 1965
    GK 8-1-60 - Strong Models of Arithmetic - 1966
    Digitalisierte Bilder gesperrt bis: 31.12.2050

    Vollansicht Verzeichnungseinheit GK 8-1-60

    Signatur: GK 8-1-60
    Titel: Strong models of arithmetic
    Laufzeit: 1966
    Enthält: 2 Sonderdrucke des zusammen mit Andrzej Ehrenfeucht publizierten Artikels "Strong Models of Arithmetic" aus dem Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 14 (1966)

    Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej; Mathematiker, Informatiker, 1932 -
    Umfang: 2 Sonderdrucke
    Bestellsignatur: PAKN, GK (Georg Kreisel), GK 8-1-60
    GK 8-1-61 - Persistent and invariant formulas relative to theo - 1966
    GK 8-1-62 - Transfinite induction and bar induction of types z - 1966
    GK 8-1-63 - Mathematical logic: What has it done for the philo - 1967
    GK 8-1-64 - Zwei Abstracts zu Rekursivität - 1967
    GK 8-1-65 - Informal rigour and completeness proofs - 1967
    GK 8-1-66 - Lawless sequences of natural numbers - 1968
    GK 8-1-67 - A survey of proof theory - 1968
    GK 8-1-68 - Zwei Abstracts aus JSP - 1968
    GK 8-1-69 - Functions, ordinals, species - 1968
    GK 8-1-70 - Foundations of Mathematics: 1900-1950 - 1968
    GK 8-1-71 - Choice of infinitary languages by means of definab - 1968
    GK 8-1-72 - Reflection principles and their use for establishi - 1968
    GK 8-1-73 - Axiomatizations of nonstandard analysis that are c - 1969
    GK 8-1-74 - Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer 1881-1966 - 1969
    GK 8-1-75 - Two notes on the foundations of set theory - 1969
    GK 8-1-76 - Appendix II. Category theory and the foundations o - 1969
    GK 8-1-77 - Formal systems for some branches of intuitionistic - 1970
    GK 8-1-78 - Church's thesis: A kind of reducibility axiom for - 1970
    GK 8-1-79 - Principles of proof and oridnals implicit in given - 1970
    GK 8-1-80 - The formalist-positivist doctrine of mathematical - 1970
    GK 8-1-81 - Hilbert's programme and the search for automatic p - 1970
    GK 8-1-82 - Observations on popular discussions of foundation - 1971
    GK 8-1-83 - Some reasons for generalizing recursion theory - 1971
    GK 8-1-84 - A survey of proof therory II - 1971
    GK 8-1-85 - Five notes on the application of proof theory to - 1971
    GK 8-1-86 - Which number theoretic problems can be solved in r - 1972
    GK 8-1-87 - Bertrand Arthur William Russsell, Earl Russell 187 - 1973
    GK 8-1-88 - Perspectives in the philosophy of pure mathematics - 1973
    GK 8-1-89 - Formally self-referential propositions for cut fre - 1974
    GK 8-1-90 - Observations on a recent generalization of complet - 1974
    GK 8-1-91 - What have we learnt from Hilbert's second problem? - 1974
    GK 8-1-92 - Die formalistisch-positivistische Doktrin der math - 1974
    GK 8-1-93 - A notion of mechanistic theory - 1974
    GK 8-1-94 - Was hat die Logik in den letzten 25 Jahren für die - 1975
    GK 8-1-95 - The use of abstract language in elementary metamat - 1975
    GK 8-1-96 - Der unheilvolle Einbruch der Logik in die Mathemat - 1976
    GK 8-1-97 - Relative consistency proofs. II - 1976
    GK 8-1-98 - A notion of mechanistic theory - 1976
    GK 8-1-99 - Some uses of proof theory for finding computer pro - 1977
    GK 8-1-100 - Wie die Beweistheorie zu ihren Ordinalzahlen kam u - 1977
    Sonderdrucksammlung Rezensionen
    Korrespondenz mit Verena Huber-Dyson
    Korrespondenz mit Albert Visser
    Korrespondenz mit Brian McGuinness
    PAKN, PL Paul Lorenzen
    PAKN, HR Hans Reichenbach
    PAKN, BT Bruno Thüring
    Sozialwissenschaftliches Archiv