Archive der Universität Konstanz

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    Archive der Universität Konstanz
    Philosophisches Archiv
    Vor- und Nachlässe
    PAKN, OB Oskar Becker
    PAKN, RC Rudolf Carnap
    PAKN, PF Paul Feyerabend
    PAKN, GG Gerhard Gentzen
    PAKN, HJ Hans Jonas
    PAKN, WK Wilhelm Kamlah
    PAKN, VK Viktor Kraft
    PAKN, GK Georg Kreisel
    Sonderdruck- und Schriftensammlung
    Sonderdrucksammlung Schriften
    GK 8-1-1 - Beiträge Eureka 8 (1944) - 1944
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    Full view Unit of Description GK 8-1-1

    Reference number: GK 8-1-1
    Title: Beiträge Eureka 8 (1944)
    Inclusive dates: 1944
    Contents: Kopie der Artikel "A Remark on the Schröder-Bernstein Theorem" und "On a Geometric Trifle" aus Eureka 8 (Feb. 1944). Laut beigebener Notiz hat Kreisel diese Kopien am 30.11.2004 erhalten.
    Scope: 2 Bl.
    Order reference number: PAKN, GK (Georg Kreisel), GK 8-1-1
    GK 8-1-2 - Some remarks on integral equations with kernels - 1949
    GK 8-1-3 - Surface Waves - 1949
    GK 8-1-4 - Note on arithmetic models for consistent formulae - 1950
    GK 8-1-5 - On the interpretation of non-finitist proofs I - 1951
    GK 8-1-6 - Some remarks on the foundations of mathematics - 1951
    GK 8-1-7 - On the concepts of Completeness and Interpretation - 1952
    GK 8-1-8 - Some elementary inequalities - 1952
    GK 8-1-9 - On the interpretation of non-finitist proofs II - 1952
    GK 8-1-10 - Some concepts concerning formal systems of number - 1952
    GK 8-1-11 - Note on arithmetic modes for consistens formulae o - 1953
    GK 8-1-12 - A variant to Hilbert's theory of the foundations o - 1953
    GK 8-1-13 - On a problem of Henkin's - 1953
    GK 8-1-14 - Note on functional relationship - 1953
    GK 8-1-15 - Application of mathematical logic to various branc - 1954
    GK 8-1-16 - Discussion sur divers thèmes - 1954
    GK 8-1-17 - Remark on complete interpretations by models - 1954
    GK 8-1-18 - Bases for systems of analysis - 1954
    GK 8-1-19 - Some application of formalized consistency proofs - 1955
    GK 8-1-20 - Models, translations and interpretations - 1955
    GK 8-1-21 - Fonctionelles récursivement définissables et fonct - 1957
    GK 8-1-22 - Ensembles récursivement mesurables et ensembles ré - 1957
    GK 8-1-23 - Eine Unableitbarkeitsbeweismethode für den intuiti - 1957
    GK 8-1-24 - Independent recursive axiomatization - 1957
    GK 8-1-25 - Gödel's interpretation of Heyting's arithmetic - 1957
    GK 8-1-26 - Relations between classes of constructive function - 1957
    GK 8-1-27 - Sums of squares - 1957-1960
    GK 8-1-28 - Effective operations and partial recursive functio - 1957
    GK 8-1-29 - Applications of formalized consitency proofs II - 1958
    GK 8-1-30 - Mathematical significance of consistency proofs - 1958
    GK 8-1-31 - Elementary completeness properties of intuitionist - 1958
    GK 8-1-32 - A Remark on free choice sequences and the topologi - 1958
    GK 8-1-33 - Number theoretic concepts and recursive well-order - 1959
    GK 8-1-34 - Analysis of the Cantor-Bendixson theorem by means - 1959
    GK 8-1-35 - Interpretation of analysis by means of constructiv - 1959
    GK 8-1-36 - Proof by transfinite induction and definition by t - 1959
    GK 8-1-37 - Reflection principle for subsystems of Heyting's - 1959
    GK 8-1-38 - Partial recursive functionals and effective operat - 1959
    GK 8-1-39 - Non-uniqueness results for transfinite progression - 1960
    GK 8-1-40 - Set existence - 1960
    GK 8-1-41 - La prédicativité - 1960
    GK 8-1-42 - Status of the first ε number in first order arithm - 1960
    GK 8-1-43 - Ordinal logics and the characterization of informa - 1960
    GK 8-1-44 - Ordinals of ramified analysis - 1960
    GK 8-1-45 - Analysis of Beth's semantic construction of intuit - 1961
    GK 8-1-46 - Set existence II - 1961
    GK 8-1-47 - Set theoretic problems suggested by the notion of - 1961
    GK 8-1-48 - Note on completeness and definability - 1961
    GK 8-1-49 - On weak completeness of intuitionistic predicate l - 1961
    GK 8-1-50 - Finite definability of number-theoretic functions - 1961
    Sonderdrucksammlung Rezensionen
    Korrespondenz mit Verena Huber-Dyson
    Korrespondenz mit Albert Visser
    Korrespondenz mit Brian McGuinness
    PAKN, PL Paul Lorenzen
    PAKN, HR Hans Reichenbach
    PAKN, BT Bruno Thüring
    Sozialwissenschaftliches Archiv