Archive der Universität Konstanz

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    Archive der Universität Konstanz
    Philosophisches Archiv
    Sozialwissenschaftliches Archiv
    A. Nach- und Vorlässe
    SAK Alfred Schütz
    SAK Albert Salomon
    SAK Heinrich Popitz
    SAK Hans Paul Bahrdt
    SAK Richard Grathoff
    SAK Felix Kaufmann
    SAK Carl Mayer
    SAK George Herbert Mead
    SAK Franz Pariser
    SAK Kurt Heinrich Wolff
    SAK George Psathas
    Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philoso
    Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
    Human Sciences Newsletter
    Interdisciplinary Coalition of American Phenomeno
    Society for the Study of Social Interaction
    International Visual Sociology Association
    International Society for the Sociology of Knowle
    Study Project in the Phenomenology of the Body
    Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology CAR
    Graduate Program Committee GPC
    New England Sociological Association
    Department of Sociology, Boston University
    Boston University College of Arts and Sciences
    Massachusetts Interdisciplinary Discourse Analysi
    International Institute of Ethnomethodology and C
    Human Relation Center
    Human Studies: General, Correspondence
    Human Studies: Contracts, Publication Agreements
    Human Studies: Forms and Format
    Human Studies: Eddy Rose Issue
    Human Studies: 25th Celebration
    Human Studies: Garfinkel Proofs 2007, Lebenswelt
    Human Studies: In Memoriam Larry Wieder
    Phenomenological Sociology: Notes, articles, book
    Phenomenological Sociology: teaching
    Symbolic Interaction: teaching, articles
    Social Interaction: articles, data transcripts
    Social Interaction: teaching
    Social Interaction: student papers
    Sociology of Everyday Life: notes, articles, teac
    Conversation Analysis and Ethnomethodology: notes
    Conversation Analysis and Ethnomethodology: teach
    Sociology of Mental Health: teaching, articles, n
    Visual Sociology / Film and Society: teaching
    Research Methods: lectures and course materials
    Research Methods: class projects
    Sociology of Communication and Media: teaching
    Media, Culture and Society: teaching, notes
    Media, Culture and Society: notes on films
    Media, Culture and Society: newspaper cuttings an
    Self and Society: notes, articles
    Self and Society: teaching
    Sociological Theory: notes, teaching
    Sociology of Small Groups: notes, articles, teach
    Other teaching material
    Ethnicity, Social Class and Adolescents' Independ - 1957
    The Therapist's Role in Psychotherapy Groups: An - 1957

    Full view Unit of Description

    Title: The Therapist's Role in Psychotherapy Groups: An Analysis of the Interaction Process
    Inclusive dates: 1957
    Contents: Ohio Valley Sociological Society
    (Pre-)provenance(s): George Psathas
    Old reference number: 2P
    Remarks: nicht im Bestand des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Archivs
    Order reference number: (SAK George Psathas),
    Research on Coalitions in the Triad - 1959
    An Experimental Study of Power Coalitions in Tria - 1959
    B. Sammlungen, thematisch
    C. Digitales Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)